DoubleLift Calls The LCS A “Clown Show”
With the LCS Summer Split now underway, TSM’s Doublelift had some harsh criticisms for the LCS production staff, making note of several broadcasting issues and awkward segments, calling it a clown show. The return of the LCS was supposed to bring with it an air of professionalism and competition, between TSM and Liquid clashing again, will Cloud9 be able to survive to world’s and prove themselves, and even if there will be parity in the league. But instead, the talk of the League world is about somebody named SushiDragon.
Mixer is DEAD, but does that mean Twitch is going to take back Ninja and Shroud? Plus, DoubleLift says that the latest LCS split is a “clown show”, and a professional Call of Duty League player was FINED REAL MONEY for saying that Modern Warfare is the worst COD of all time.
All of this comes after a slew of production errors and overlay mistakes, and general just….badness. So, we don’t need to agree on whether this is cringy. It is. And you know how I can say that? Because I’m agreeing with Doublelift for the first time in history. He recently tweeted out, “If the broadcast is consistently making mistakes with the overlay, showing the wrong fiddle build, the wrong replay, cringe “freestyle rap, and then ends it with SushiDragon, it feels like a clown show. In another context showing niche content at the end of the show would be great.”
What do you think? Do you agree with one of the largest LCS stars to date in Doublelift that this is cringe?
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