PewDiePie Says No To Donations On Stream
Donating money to rich people is pretty weird, right? Like, people who already have tons and tons of money getting money given to them just to acknowledge people while doing something live on a stream is also pretty weird. But the tide on what donations are seems to be turning at a fairly quick pace. After Pokimane set a donation limit earlier this week, allowing viewers to only give her $5, PewDiePie has come out during a live stream and told his viewers that he just doesn’t want their money at all. While playing Hades on Thursday, a viewer asked him how they would be able to donate and PewDiePie responded pretty bluntly; you can’t!
And he’s right; if people just randomly walked up to rich people on the street and attempted to give them money, they would freak out and say that they don’t want it. But if you do it on a live stream, it’s supposed to be accepted? Weird. The much bigger question out of this though is, what is the future of donations amongst large streamers? PewDiePie is one of the largest content creators online, with 100 million subscribers on YouTube alone, and he has axed donations. Tyler1 said he would like to follow Pokimane’s steps and put a limit as well. This may be a reckoning with what donations actually are, and maybe make it somewhat taboo for people with tons of money to be taking money from their viewers.
For content creators, they will still be able to take donations, and even the largest streamers are “able” to accept donations. But if you are the only content creator taking donations while the rest have sworn them off, is that REALLY that good of a look? Let us know if you think these large streamers should say no to donations in the comments below.
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Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images