Checkpoint XP Daily – Wednesday, August 28th 2019 feat ONEshotGURL
Photo by Hu Chengwei/Getty Images
Today we have some hard, honest conversations about the type of environment we foster in gaming. Plus, compLexity releases its entire roster. We also talk with streamer ONE_shot_GURL.
Nate brings us a video from Unilad that shows a 15 year old boy being arrested for making threats online, his mother argues they were jokes he heard playing games. We talk about taking responsibility for both our actions and inactions in the gaming space. We also discuss compLexity dropping their entire DOTA2 roster following The International 2019 and why it’s a bad look for esports. Finally, we are joined by popular streamer ONE_shot_GURL to talk about her streaming, history and of course, Fortnite.