LEC To Suspend Play INDEFINITELY Due to COVID-19
2019 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 5 at the LEC Studio on February 21, 2020 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games)
Yet another esports league is shutting down play for the foreseeable future as the League European Championship (LEC) is stopping play for the rest of the Spring Split at least.
In a Twitter post, the LEC announced that one of their staff members may have been exposed to the COIVD-19 virus. The LEC, like the LCS in North America, was due to play matches with no live audience. But this latest development makes the LEC the third major division of League of Legends to cancel matches currently. The LCK (Korea) is currently shut down and the LPL shuttered their studios in January at the onset of the Coronavirus outbreak. The LPL, however, has resumed play without live audiences on March 9th.