Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Why You Should Believe
Image courtesy of EA and Respawn Entertainment
I know. It would be much easier to come up with a list of reasons not to believe. EA has given us no shortages of reasons to feel like this new Star Wars game is going to be a flop. Battlefront, Battlefront 2, The Old Republic… EA in general. Time and time again, EA has attempted to do something great with the Star Wars IP only to frustrate their fan-base. So here’s three reasons why you should believe this time will be better. I know we usually do five reasons here at Checkpoint XP, but EA doesn’t make it easy to come up with five reasons.
1. It’s single player
Now of course, single player is no guarantee of success. However, in an age where we’re experience a glut of multiplayer only, games as a service, and online games, this could be a breath of fresh air. People love Star Wars games for two reasons. First, to be a space-faring sci-fi wizard. And second, to see how the game expands the galaxy that is Star Wars. A single player game like this should be able to satisfy both of those driving factors.
2. No Micro-transactions
You have to take this one with an enormous grain of salt. EA has said there won’t be micro-transactions save for the pre-order bonuses. EA has said they learned their lesson from Battlefront 1 and 2. But EA says a lot of things. And like most fans out there, I say we’ll believe it when we see it. That said, no micro-transactions would be a major step in the right direction as EA tries to right the ship. If the game is good and well received, they’ll be able to do a major DLC campaign down the line. But it has to be good first.
3. Because we NEED it to be
See?! You see how quick the well of faith runs dry when it comes to EA?! I can’t even come up with a compelling third reason. Because the trailer looks good? Trailers in the modern era can’t be trusted. Because reviewers say it looks good? Reviewers in the modern era can’t be trusted. This is my final leap of faith with EA. The Star Wars fandom hasn’t had a great game in a decade and we desperately need one. For a fan base that I feel often is way too arrogant and entitled, even I’ll say that we deserve at least one good game in the modern era. Trust in the force, and it will guide us hopefully to a great game. May the force be with us, always.

How about you? Do you have any faith at all? Are you willing to give EA one more chance? Sound off on our social media and let us know where you’re at.
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And come back on Monday for our initial reactions to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order!