5 Reasons To Be Excited About The Final Fantasy VII Remake
Image Provided By SQUARE-ENIX
With the recent announcements and gameplay previews this weekend at the Tokyo Game Show, fans of the beloved Final Fantasy franchise are gathering to show support, and seem to be genuinely excited. Square Enix, the developer of the franchise, has given us some real big reasons that this game was worth the wait, and here are 5 of our favorite moments.
5. Mark Hamill is the voice of Don Corneo
As if the thought of seeing a fully-rendered Cloud in a dress putting a perverted man in his place isn’t exciting enough, the voice actor playing said pervert may sound familiar. Mark Hamill, best known as the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series (or better yet, Luke Skywalker, and if you need to know who that is… well, this is just awkward…) will be voice acting the part of Don Corneo, the man who falls for a cross dressing Cloud. Who knows how this came to be, but we are here for it and willing to try harder to get the answers correct, just to expand this cameo.

4. Turn-Based Classic Mode is an option
It’s tough to please everyone, but Square Enix is trying their best to make sure that fans have the exact experience they want to have out of the remake. It was announced that Classic Mode will be an option for the more nostalgic fan. The “Final Fantasy VII Remake” twitter quoted
Final Fantasy VII Remake – Twitter: @finalfantasyvii
So anyone playing #FinalFantasy VII Remake in Classic Mode does not have to worry about the action side of the combat system, and can instead focus on selecting commands, making it possible to play #FF7R as if it were a classic menu-based RPG!
So, for those purists out there, they did think of you.
3. Updated Graphics, much like Advent Children
Let’s be honest, the original game was a fan favorite for its story and character development, but we are all excited about the remake because of one thing – It’s pretty! Ever since the release of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, we’ve hungered for more, even though the film had mixed reviews. But, they have clearly taken some time since then to truly embrace the overall look of the environment and characters and give us what we’ve always wanted.
2. The True Pronunciation of Aerith (A.K.A. Aeris)
Some may be confused when they hear or see Aerith’s name, and that’s because in the original U.S. version her name originated as Aeris. And as a child fanboy (or girl) of the game you had a way of pronouncing it. Whether you thought it “AIR-EEZ” or (wrongfully, in my personal fanboy opinion) “AIR-ISS”, we won’t have to worry about it any longer. Originally this was simply a transliteration thing that later the developers decided to solve when making the change to Aerith as it was the closest anagram to the word Earth.
1. The Release Date
Yes. There is an actual release date! This has been announced for a while now, but can we take a moment to reflect at how long we’ve waited for this. Ever since the 2005 E3 Tech Demo, we’ve wanted this… and it took only a mere 15 years to make it happen. The game is scheduled to release on March 3, 2020. See you in the Slums!