7 Tips to Remember While at San Diego Comic-Con
San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) is one of the biggest conventions of the year. SDCC is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It first started out as a small comic book convention, and it has significantly grew, embracing the pop culture world. Over 130,000 fans flock to beautiful San Diego for SDCC, and maybe even more for offsite events!
I first experienced SDCC in 2009, and it was amazing! I had to keep coming back, so I volunteered at SDCC for the years when I lived in the San Diego county. I know how hectic and crowded it can be. So, if you are attending SDCC, don’t forget these 7 tips to make your convention visit a little bit more comfortable.
1. Drink Plenty of Water & Bring Snacks
San Diego tends to be pretty warm in the summer time during Comic Con season. Be sure to keep a refillable water bottle and snacks with you. Protein and granola bars help keep you going in between meals. You also never know how long you may be in line for something!

2. Wear or Bring Comfortable Shoes
There’s so much to see and do at SDCC that events span out to the adjacent hotels, Petco Park, or in the Gaslamp Quarters. Trust me when I say this… Wear comfortable shoes! I cannot stress this enough. You will be walking everywhere. If you are staying over the weekend, bring an extra pair of comfortable shoes. It feels refreshing to switch out to another pair of comfortable shoes for the next day.
3. Schedule and Be Spontaneous
Check out the San Diego Comic-Con website for their programming schedule. Find out what panels and signings are there for the day, jot down the booth numbers, and plan your day out. Give yourself at least 30 minutes in between panels. Don’t forget to be spontaneous as well! There’s plenty of offsite experiences to check out such as the Petco Park, San Diego Marina, Gaslamp Quarters, and adjacent hotels.

4. Take Breaks
You’re rushing from one panel to another panel on the other side of the convention center. Right after that panel, you have to check out an autograph signing or pick up some merchandise. When you are scheduling your day out, don’t forget to put down break time! Sit down, and just breathe! It’s a lot to take in at Comic-Con. Also, take the time to review what you have planned for the day, and check on updates of what’s happening at the convention floor.

The Marriott Marina Terrace
5. Keep Clean!
Thousands of people will be crowded at one place at the same time. Due to these crowds, you may find yourself a little too close for comfort with others. So, please shower in the morning and evening. Use deodorant! Keep a travel hand sanitizer or wipes with you. Throw out your trash in the correct bins when you are done.
6. Be Patient and Kind
SDCC also bears the nickname “Line Con.” Because there are thousands of others just like you, there will be high people traffic in the aisles of the exhibit floor especially near the most popular booths. There will be lines and more lines to get into a panel and to buy merchandise or get free swag. People will be pushing, but please be patient and kind. Brush your shoulder off and move on. You’ll eventually get to where you need to go!
Also, you may meet a celebrity or two on the floor. Remember they are just like you as they are there to enjoy San Diego Comic-Con too! Be polite, kindly introduce yourself, and ask before taking a photo with them.
7. Have Fun!
Simple enough right? Have fun! Take in the SDCC experience and geek out!

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All photos by Christine Solis / Checkpoint XP