Disney Plus Marvel Shows: The Future MCU
The dynamic duo of Robbie Landis and Ben Morse is back once again for another episode of the Other Identity. The Other Identity is a podcast about exploring the culture created by comic books. This week Robbie and Ben talk about the wealth of content promised by Disney Plus. Ever since the streaming service was announced, Disney has been laying the groundwork for an entirely new form of storytelling within the Marvel Universe. Could the Disney Plus Marvel shows be the future of the MCU?
The Future is Streaming
It’s been over one year since we’ve had the chance to consume any content relating to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That is in large part due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Luckily, our appetites will be sated by the end of the year when Wandavision releases on Disney Plus. Then come May of 2021, Black Widow will be in theaters. But could the true future of the MCU actually be in streaming instead of the movies?
Wandavision will feature a 6 episode series, consisting of 45-1 hour episodes. Pound for pound, that means Wandavision is three times the size of an average MCU movie. And it will likely be stretched out over 6 weeks. Take that into consideration…there are more confirmed Disney Plus series than there are MCU movies. As an audience, we’ll be spending more time with these shows than we have with the movies.
A New Universe
Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Moon Knight — these are just a few of the new series and new characters. Marvel will be rolling out almost a new universe on Disney Plus in the next two years. It’s a powerful statement when put alongside mainstage names like the Falcon and Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, and Scarlet Witch. The Disney Plus series will be a whole new way to introduce fans to characters. We’ll no longer get introduced to a character halfway through a major blockbuster title like Civil War. Then we have to wait two years to see them here and there and hope they get their own movie.
We’ll get 6 hours of content with Ms. Marvel, learning about her personality and what makes her a hero. So when she makes her big-screen debut, she’s just as full of life and character as the Thor’s and Captain Marvel’s of the screen. To hear exactly what Robbie and Ben think of the slate of Disney Plus Marvel Shows and what it means for the future of the MCU, download and listen now!
Miss last week’s episode? Catch Episode 37: Green Lantern Roundtable Discussion Follow CheckpointXP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! You can also follow Robbie and Ben on Twitter.
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